20rds - .22-250 Federal Vital-Shok 55gr. Sierra GameKing BTHP Ammo
Federal Ammunition 55 Grain Hollow Point Ammo Details
This is 22-250 Federal Vital-Shok 55gr. Sierra GameKing Boat Tail Hollow Point Ammo. Sierra's MatchKing sets the standard for match-grade accuracy and consistency. It's loaded in Federal's Gold Medal - the measuring stick for excellence. With its sizzling velocity and explosive disruption, make Vital-Shok the ultimate choice for your favorite varmint. This ammo is brass cased and boxer primed, it comes packed in 20rd. boxes.
Product TypeAmmo
Bullet Weight
Bullet Type
Ammo Caliber22-250 Remington
Manufacturer SKUP22250B
Cost Per Round$1.25/ppr
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