50rds - 22 Short Vostok Super Match 28gr. LRN Ammo

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VOSTOK 28 Grain Lead Round Nose (LRN) Ammo Details

This 50-round box of .22 Short from Vostok makes the perfect gift for the exotic ammunition collector in your life! These Russian-made cartridges have not been available since the 1970s but are available here for a very limited time. Shooters can expect these rounds to be fully functional and to possess top tier accuracy due to stringent quality control. While we cannot promise any exact storage conditions over the past four decades, we have been told by our supplier that the ammo is free of moisture damage.

Each of these rimfire rounds propels a lead round nose (LRN) bullet that weighs in at 28 grains; this is a standard weight in the .22 short caliber and offers flat-shooting ballistics and minimal recoil. While it lacks copper plating, the LRN projectile is not totally exposed as it bears a light film of wax coating which reduces barrel fouling during long strings of fire. This preserves accuracy as well as reliable function.
  • Casing Type
  • Bullet Weight
    28 Grain
  • Bullet Type
    Lead Round Nose (LRN)
  • Manufacturer
  • Manufacturer SKU
  • Primer Type

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