25rds – 12 Gauge Federal Top Gun Target Load 2-3/4" 1-1/8oz. #8 Shot Ammo

25rds – 12 Gauge Federal Top Gun Target Load 2-3/4" 1-1/8oz. #8 Shot Ammo Details

Federal’s Top Gun Target Loads are a great way of keeping your costs down while you’re making short work of the discs. This 12 Gauge shotshell is loaded with 1 1/8 ounces of #8 lead shot, a size that’s excellent for all clay shooting sports. You’ll find this shell of use if you’re hunting for dove and other smaller birds at medium range as well, as its more lightweight shot won’t leave behind a hail of feathers and little else after it hits.

This shell’s wad keeps its pattern tight, as does its shot’s inherent hardness. Federal doesn’t deprive their budget-friendly loads of superior components. This one’s hull is crimped into eight sturdy segments, and its propellant load reliably burns to create a 1,145 fps muzzle velocity. This shell’s primer is non-corrosive and on the whole gentler on a shotgun’s action. Order today and ensure that no clay can escape!
  • Manufacturer
  • Bullet Weight
    1-1/8 oz.
  • Bullet Type
    #8 Shot
  • Manufacturer SKU
    TGL12 8
  • Muzzle Velocity
  • Shot Material

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