20rds - .308 Remington Express Core-Lokt 150gr. Pointed Soft Point Ammo
Remington Ammunition 150 Grain Pointed Soft-Point (PSP) Ammo Details
This is .308 Remington Express Core-Lokt 150gr. Pointed Soft Point Ammo. The bullet in this ammo has a Spitzer shape profile for improved velocity and flatter trajectory. The Bullet core is mechanically locked in place to provide deep penetration and the jackets are designed to give you progressive, reliable expansion everytime. The expansion will be almost twice the original diameter of the bullet. This ammo is packed in 20rd. boxes.
Product TypeAmmo
Bullet Weight150 Grain
Bullet TypePointed Soft-Point (PSP)
Use TypeBoar Hunting, Deer Hunting
Casing TypeBrass
Ammo Caliber308 Winchester (7.62X51)
Manufacturer SKUR308W1
Primer Type
Muzzle Velocity2820
Muzzle Energy
UPC Barcode047700056005
Cost Per Round$1.45/ppr
The Reviews
Why Shooters and Hunters love or hate 20rds - .308 Remington Express Core-Lokt 150gr. Pointed Soft Point Ammo
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I have used this ammo for many years, they group well and have never left me wondering what happened to that shot!
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These group very well and function well in a Gunsite Scout Rifle and a Kimber 84M. Have yet to hunt with them, but do expect they will do fine up to mule deer size game. Exceptional value. I'll be buying a good quantity.
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All my Savage, Mauser, and AR-10s shoot well with this ammo. However, I have noticed any inconsistencies in the setup of the rifle, scope, windage etc. tends to be exaggerated in this ammo past 150m compared to my hand loads, Federal, and Winchester brands.
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Sighting in my Savage .308 @200 yards. Tried Federal Hornady and these bullets. I will never buy these again. Extremely inconsistent compared with both the Federal and Hornady. Pay the extra for the better product.
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The BEST grouping ammo i have used in my saiga 308. I have achieved 7/8 groups with this ammo @100 yards. If you have a saiga 308... you should try this ammo. Highly recommend.