Alice Jones Webb

Alice Jones Webb
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Alice Jones Webb

Alice Jones Webb is a writer, long-time hunter, experienced shooter, and mother of 4 up-and-coming outdoor enthusiasts. She grew up flinging arrows and bullets at Virginia whitetails, turkey, and game birds, although her favorite hunting experience is chasing bull elk in the Colorado back country. She is also a self-defense instructor and competitive archer. Alice currently resides in rural North Carolina with her children, non-hunting husband, and a well-stocked chest freezer.

Author's Posts

How to Reload a Shotgun

How to Reload a Shotgun

A 12 gauge is a powerful weapon. It has long been used in the woods and over water to put meat on the family table. It has also been a popular tool for home defense, hanging over the mantle of many a pioneer cabin. But in order to do any of it, you need to […]

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